Strategic Sourcing

Callida’s Strategic Sourcing team works closely with our government clients to deliver outcomes throughout the procurement lifecycle including development of a procurement strategy, procurement and tendering, negotiations, contract management and transition.

We recognise there is not a one-size-fits-all to government procurement activities and we have a proven track record of working with government to develop and tailor our approach to match the scale and complexity of the procurement activity at hand.

Our team includes professional contract managers who are experienced in ensuring value for money by developing and implementing process improvement in contract and performance management. We strive to uplift the capability of contract management for our clients through knowledge transfer, mentoring and skills development.

Callida’s Strategic Sourcing specialists assist our government clients with leadership and support of strategic procurement activities through:

  • assisting with identifying the need of the procurement activity, including development of business cases and establishing procurement governance
  • planning the procurement activity, including developing procurement strategies and plans, and developing and documenting the statement of requirement
  • selecting the best sourcing option, including assisting with market research, assessing the risk involved in the activity and providing probity advice
  • approaching the market, which includes the development of approach documents, evaluation criteria, draft contracts and cost modelling
  • evaluating tenders, including development of plans and tools, leading evaluations, providing financial evaluation and leading collaborative tendering activities
  • negotiating contracts, including negotiation leadership or support, development of strategies and leading best and final offer processes
  • forming agreements, through finalising contracts, providing briefings to delegates and developing performance management frameworks
  • transition to managing contract performance, through developing and implementing best contract management practices and active support in the contract management team
  • closing the contract, by assisting with transition.

Talk to us about your challenge.

Lachlan Cotter


Andrew Gibson


Annee Barnes


John Rogers


Lesley Le
